Some studies have been conducted on the activities http www
Some studies have been conducted on the activities of CYP450 [[28], [29], [30], [31]]. For example, Chen et al. reported that low-dose aspirin induced the in vivo activity of CYP2C19 in healthy subjects [30], Krasniqi et al. reported that CYP2C8*3 and CYP2C9*2*3 variants correlated with ibuprofen-induced hepatotoxicity and gastrointestinal bleeding [31]. Nevertheless, the activity of other CYP450 isozymes and pharmacokinetics changes remain unclear, especially with long-term administration. In thepresent study, the metabolic activity and pharmacokinetics of five liver CYP450 enzymes (CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2B6, CYP2D6 and CYP3A4) were simultaneously studied using a cocktail approach. The diagnostic value of those five CYP450 enzymes was evaluated by Fisher discriminant by using pharmacokinetic data. Moreover, the ultrastructural alterations of liver WZ3146 powder were investigated, providing a different perspective on aspirin and ibuprofen.
Conflicts of interest
This work was supported by fund of Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang province (LY16H300005), the Health Department of Zhejiang province (2015KYA154); Public Project of Wenzhou Science and Technology Bureau (Y20160304) the social development of Jinhua Technology Bureau (key projects: 2016-3-013, public service project: 2016-4-005).
Cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzymes catalyze an unparalleled diversity of primary and secondary metabolic reactions across all domains of life. Two single electron transfers and activation by molecular oxygen of a resting FeIII bound to a porphyrin scaffold in the CYP450 enzyme active site leads to the formation of an electrophilic FeIV=O+● oxoferryl species that can homolytically cleave XH bonds (X=C, N, O, and S) in organic substrates to generate a radical intermediate. The substrate radical can then participate in myriad downstream reactions with regio- and stereospecific control exercised by the CYP450 enzyme active site. CYP450 enzymes have evolved to take full advantage of the redox potential of the oxoferryl species by accommodating a wide diversity of substrates to match the diversity of reactions that they catalyze. Several excellent reviews that describe the underlying iron-porphyrin activation scheme for CYP450 enzymes and the ensuing reactions that they catalyze are available (Denisov, Makris, Sligar, & Schlichting, 2005; Podust & Sherman, 2012; Poulos, 2014; Rudolf, Chang, Ma, & Shen, 2017; Tang, Zou, Watanabe, Walsh, & Tang, 2017). Efforts to engineer CYP450 enzymes to catalyze reactions that fall outside the current scope of these enzymes further highlight their tremendous catalytic prowess (Girvan & Munro, 2016; McIntosh, Farwell, & Arnold, 2014). CYP450 enzymes require two partner enzymes—a ferredoxin-NAD(P)+ oxidoreductase and a ferredoxin—for activity. These reaction partners channel two electrons from a NAD(P)H donor via a single electron adapter (flavin), finally delivering two single electrons sequentially to the iron-porphyrin reaction center in the CYP450 enzyme active site via the ferredoxin Fe–S cluster (Poulos, 2014; Tripathi, Li, & Poulos, 2013). While numerous variants to this theme exist, the underlying electron transfer route from NAD(P)H to the iron-porphyrin reaction center is fairly conserved (Guengerich & Munro, 2013).
Aryl crosslinking is a well-represented transformation among the reactions catalyzed by CYP450 enzymes. Perhaps the most celebrated examples for CYP450-mediated aryl crosslinking reactions are the installation of the intra- and intermolecular ether and carbon–carbon bonds in the biosynthesis of glycopeptide antibiotics such as vancomycin (1, Fig. 1) and plant alkaloids such as berbamunine (2) and magnoflorine (3) (Ikezawa, Iwasa, & Sato, 2008; Kraus & Kutchan, 1995; Mizutani & Sato, 2011; Yim, Thaker, Koteva, & Wright, 2014). Furthermore, a dedicated CYP450 enzyme recruitment domain has recently been described to be embedded within the nonribosomal peptide synthetases that catalyze the formation of the glycopeptide antibiotics (Brieke, Peschke, Haslinger, & Cryle, 2015; Haslinger, Peschke, Brieke, Maximowitsch, & Cryle, 2015; Peschke, Gonsior, Sussmuth, & Cryle, 2016).